Frequently Asked Questions About AMSG

What is the Ag Marketing Strategy Group?

It's a group of top ag producers who are interested in improving their marketing and management skills through a commitment to a year of small group meetings with a professional marketing analyst. We meet monthly, in most cases excluding October and May. Exact arrangements will be determined by each group at the first meeting, but the base concept is a 2-hour monthly meeting. The meeting includes an outlook and strategy planning session, an educational session on some aspect of farm marketing, and plenty of group interaction. In addition to "in person" meetings, we also now offer a monthly National Ag Marketing Strategy Group via the Internet, using LogMeIn GoToTraining technology. Life long learning is required to be sucessful in many fields, and agriculture is no exception.

What do I gain by joining the Ag Marketing Strategy Group?

  1. Learn important technical analysis and fundamental analysis skills from a nationally known market analyst, in person or online, and in manageable bites.
  2. Get regular market updates and strategy help from the same person. Stay up to date, and focused on marketing. Learn "insider" analysis techniques that are not taught at public universities.
  3. Ask the marketing questions you want to ask. Learn from some smart ag people, and share some of your own hard earned knowledge with the group.

What is Expected of Members?

  1. Attend all meetings, to ensure that everyone is "on the same page" in terms of market knowledge, and also so that you can share your hard earned insights with the group members. There are no credits for missed meetings and the membership fee is paid in advance in order to encourage every effort to attend and to cover speaker costs.
  2. With the advent of the National AMSG, you can now attend meetings "after the fact" if necessary, using an online login code provided to AMSG members that is good for 60 days following each meeting.

How much does this cost?

The introductory meeting is usually $45 or $50, payable at the meeting. The annual fee for becoming a Member of an Ag Marketing Strategy Group is typically $450-550, depending on local meeting costs. These dues are is payable at either the first or second meeting. The introductory meeting registration will be credited toward the annual fee for those becoming Members. Rules on guests, partners, etc. will be covered at the introductory meeting or via email. AMSG and NAMSG members also receive a $200 credit from their annual dues which may be applied to an Ag Marketing Professional annual subscription.

What do I do now?

  1. If you have questions about the Ag Marketing Strategy Group concept, call Austin Schroeder at 402-697-3623.
  2. Invite friends or neighbors who did not receive an invitation to join you at this first meeting of the group.
  3. Sign up online for the National AMSG group.